
1. What are the staff qualifications?

Our staff consist of Registered Early Childhood Educators as well Early Childhood Assistants. Our staffing has both work experience as well as training in child development. Students who have completed their work placements or are in school finishing their education are also provided with employment opportunities where possible.

2. Are the staff First Aid and CPR trained?

Yes. All our staff are First Aid and CPR trained.

3. What is the staff turn-over rate?

Out staff turnover rate is very low. We believe in providing them with an environment that is very home like, yet challenges staff to grow as an educator.

4. What is the staff child ratio in each program?

Staff child ration in the infant program is 1:3. Toddler program follows the ratio of 1:5. And Preschool program has the ratio of 1:8.

5. Do you take students?

Yes. We do take students from schools and colleges that are in our community.

6. How are the staff and students monitored?

Students and volunteers are monitored by the classroom teachers. They are not left alone with children at any time.

7. Are the staff offered professional development opportunities?

Yes. Staff at our Centre regularly take part in professional development workshops. These trainings help staff in increasing their knowledge and further enhance their skills.

Starting At The Daycare

1. What do I need to bring?

Parents need to bring in child’s diapers, wipers, change of clothes, outer wear, sippy cup and blanket for sleep time. Younger children can bring in their soothers and milk bottles as needed.

2. How is my child going to transition to the daycare?

Children are given a one-week transition period when starting at the daycare. The first day is an orientation visit where parents and children visit the program and get to know the staff and provide information about their child. Parents will be asked to leave the child for an hour on the second day. The stay on the third day includes lunch routine. Child stays for sleep time on the fourth day. On the fifth day, child gets to stay for the whole day.

3. Can I stay with my child if they cry? Can I hang around outside the classroom or daycare until he stops crying?

Parents are encouraged to leave the Centre once the child is left with the teachers. Longer stay leads to more tears and separation anxiety. This will make it harder for children to get use to the daycare.

4. I use stroller for my child. Can I keep it at the Centre to use at drop off time?

Yes. Parents can leave their strollers in the front foyer of the Centre as long as they are foldable and are not blocking the daycare entrance.

5. What happens if I pick my child up after 6:00 pm?

Parents will be charged with a late fee when children are picked up after 6:00 pm. Continuous late pick ups can result in increase of late fee.


1. Do you provide workbooks?

We believe that children learn through play. Children who have shown interest in writing are provided with activities to encourage their writing skills.

2. How will my child learn the basics of language and math?

Children learn literacy and math through play. Activities provided by teachers are designed to encourage children to learn through play.

3. How would I find out what my child has learnt each day?

Activities done by children are posted on the Hi Mama App by classroom teachers.

4. What curriculum do you follow?

We follow play-based curriculum complemented with Ministry of Education initiatives such as ELECT and 'How Does Learning Happen?'.

5. WhereI can find more information on 'How Does Learning Happen?'

Information on 'How Does Learning Happen?' can be found at Ministry of Education website.

6. What are STEM activities?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. These activities encourage children to think critically and use problem solving approach to resolve problems.

7. What are Loose Parts?

Loose parts are materials that are flexible and can be used in multiple ways in different activities. It encourages children to play while they learn about concepts of literacy and math as well as develop their communication, social-emotional, fine motor and gross motor skills.

8. Do you provide progress report for children?

We provide parents with development screening forms twice a year. Both parents and staff get a chance to fill out the forms to see how their children are doing. Staff also provide a Glow and Grow reports which highlights the strengths of children as well as identify areas that is still developing.


1. Is the food cooked onsite?

Food is catered through a catering company that delivers the food everyday.

2. How can I access the food menu?

The food menu is uploaded on the Hi Mama App once it becomes available. It is accessible through a laptop or desktop.

3. My child is a picky eater. Can I bring in food from home?

No. Food from home is not permitted as we have children with severe allergies in the Centre. The only exception to this rule is the infant program as they have younger babies who are limited to food.

4. My child likes to drink juice. Can I bring juice for him?

No. Food and drinks from outside are not permitted in the Centre. Children are provided with water throughout the day and milk during lunch time and snack time.

5. My child has allergies or food restrictions. What food will be provided to them?

Parents are requested to inform office about their child’s allergies or food restrictions. We coordinate with the catering company. The child will be provided with food catered to their needs.

6. How would I know how much food my child has eaten during the day?

The amount of food eaten during the day is recorded on the Hi Mama App.

7. Can I bring in treats to celebrate my child’s birthday?

Parents can bring in treats to celebrate their child’s birthday as long as they are sourced from a nut free place. They can communicate with teachers for more information on celebrating birthdays.

Sleep Routine

1. My child is not a sleeper. How will he be accommodated in the program during sleep time?

All children are asked to rest their bodies on the bed for at least an hour. Children that don’t sleep or who wake up early are given quiet activities to do until nap time is done. Infants are on their own nap schedule. They are moved to the play room from the sleep room once they wake up from their sleep.

2. My child co-sleeps with me at home. How will the sleep routine work for him at the Centre?

Children at the Centre sleep in individual cribs or cots (used for older children). Teachers assist children at sleep time by either rocking their crib or rubbing the child’s back.  Parents are encouraged to follow the same routine at home with their children in order to create consistency and easier transition to the daycare.  

3. How doI know how long my child has slept in the Center?

Information about children’s sleep routine will be recorded on the Hi Mama app.

4. Is somebody monitoring children during sleep time?

All children are monitored by the class room staff at sleep time in order to ensure safety and accountability.  

Potty Training

1. I want to potty train my child. What is the procedure?

Parent can communicate with classroom teachers if they want to potty train their child. Parents will be asked to provide the daycare with supplies such as extra clothing and pull up diapers.

2. How would I know when my child is ready to start potty training?

A child is ready for potty training if:
-  Their diaper remains dry for a long period of time. This is an indication that their bladder control is getting stronger.
-  They are able to pull up and pull down their pants by themselves
-  They indicate their diaper is wet

3. What do I need to do to help my child be potty trained?

Parents and teachers are encouraged to establish and follow a similar routine for potty training at both home and daycare. This will ensure consistency when potty training the child.

Outdoor Time

1. How often are children suppose to go outside?

Children are to go outside twice a day, for an hour, depending on the weather.

2. What is the weather cut off for outside time?

In the cold weather, the cut off for the infant program is -10º C and for the older programs is -16º C. This includes wind chill and wind speed advisory. In the hot weather, the cut off for all programs is 31º C. This includes humidity and air quality advisory.

3. Do children go outside the daycare for walks?

Yes, children do go outside for occasional walks outside the daycare.

4. What do I need to bring for outside time?

Parents will be asked to bring in sunscreen and summer hat for summer time. Snow pants, jackets, winter hat, neck warmer, mittens and boots are required in winter time.

Behaviour Management

1. How do you handle children when they bite?

We believe that children bite for various reasons. This includes teething, attention seeking, lack of language or lack of problem-solving skills. Younger children are separated and directed to another activity. They are also provided with a few words that tells them that biting is not ok. Older children are reasoned with why the biting happened and are encouraged to come up with their own solutions to resolve the problem.

2. What is your policy on time outs?

We don’t believe in time outs. We understand that children sometimes do need to be separated and needs some time to calm down. They are directed to a table activity until they are ready to rejoin the play.

Enrolling My Child

1. Do you offer part-time care?

We only offer full-time care.

2. What is the procedure for enrolling my child?

The enrollment procedure consists of the tour of the Center. It is then followed by filling out the enrollment form which is available on our website.

3. How do I book a tour?

You can book a tour by emailing us at info@littlebrightstars.com or can call us at (905) 569-2267.

4. Do I need to pay registration fee?

Parents enrolling their children in the Centre will need to pay registration fee to secure their spot.

5. What is the cost of the program?

Please contact us to find more information about the cost of our programs.

6. Is there cost associated with putting my child on the waitlist?

There is no cost associated with putting the child on the waitlist.

7. What happens when a spot becomes available?

Parents will be notified when a spot becomes available.


1. Do you administer medication to children?

We do administer medication to children. All medications must be properly labelled. Parents will be asked to fill out a Medication Form in order to administer the medication.  

2. My child has anaphylaxis allergy.  How do you handle that?

Parents will have to fill out an AnaphylaxisForm. They can provide the Centre with EPI-PEN that will be kept on site and will be administered as needed.

3. My child has asthma. How do you handle that?

Parents will have to fill out an Action Plan for asthma. They can provide Ventolin that can be kept on site and will be administered as needed.

4. My child is prone to seizures. How do you handle that?

Parents will have to fill out an Action Plan for seizure. They can bring in medication such as Advil that can kept on site and will be administered as needed.

5. My child has a fever. Can I give them Tylenol or Advil and bring them to the Center?

If the child has fever, they cannot come to the Centre, having taken Advil or Tylenol. They need to stay home until they are free of fever for 24 hrs or more.

6. My child is sick. Can they stay inside during outdoor time?

If the child is too sick to take part in the program, they need to stay home until they feel better.

7. If my child gets sick during the day and I am given a phone call, how long do I have to come for pick up?

Parents must come to pick up their child as soon as possible. They are also encouraged to have people in place who can act as emergency back up in situations where parents are not able to come in early to pick up their child.  


1. How do I make a payment?

The payment can be made through e-transfer.

2. When do I need to make the payment?

The payment is due when the invoice is sent to parents.

3. Do I need to pay when I am going on vacation or if my child is sick?

The payment needs to be made when you go on vacation or when your child is sick.

4. What if I pull my child out for the summer? Do I have to register them again for September?

If you are taking time off in summer, you can withdraw your child but will need to enroll them again for September. The registration fee is only payable once upon the initial enrollment.

5. Do I pay for statutory holiday?

Statutory holidays are paid.

6. How do I know if I qualify for subsidy?

You will need to contact subsidy and make an appointment with them. Once subsidy is approved, you will get an approval letter from them that will tell you the amount you will qualify for.

7. Am I eligible for a tax receipt?

Tax receipts are given out towards the year end for tax purposes.

Book your tour today!

We are now booking weekend and evening tours by appointment only.

Financial help to those who need it.

Our partnership with the Region of Peel can help provide a subsidy for child care through eligibility.

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Registration Form

Speed up your registration process by filling out the registration form at home before you visit our daycare.

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